Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Don't faint....but I have ONE email in my inbox at the moment! I LOVE email. Love it, love it, love it....did I mention that I LOVE it?! At times in my life I have received over two hundred emails a day from various lists, friends and such.

I have found that there is a time and a season for all things in my life. And when I had young babies nursing every two hours that was my season for high volume email. I could always tell my babies were weaning when my email started to go unread for days at a time. And as they weaned I would gradually unsubscribe from my email lists. But I still averaged 30 emails a day, until recently.

I read Tim Ferris's Four Hour Work Week, ( and his thoughts on email really impacted me. I, just like every one else, received several ad/offer type emails a day and I was subbed to 10 or more yahoo lists. All the lists were very low volume, maybe one or two emails a day, but they all add up! His point was that every time you have to take a second and focus on those emails, even just deleting them, you're sidetracking yourself from the really important in your life. A second or two per 30 emails, deleting them, adds up, and I could see how I had to use energy/focus to make the decision to delete with or without reading every single time, with every single email.

I took the plunge and unsubbed from all but three yahoo lists, two of which I am no mail on. I go read them if I want. They are home school lists and I don't need to see every email about what is going on. I can go to the website, skim the list and click on the ones that are relevant. I also have to add that I am not "allowed" to unsub from them either. I have some really wonderful friends on them and they won't let me just quietly unsub. Which gives me warm fuzzies, because they care! I can live with that.

The third one is supporting recording my life lessons, they can be seen over at This list varies in it's volume, but it rarely has email every single day.

I went in to every add/offer email I received and unsubbed, as they came through my email box. Which admittedly added a LOT of time for a few days. But it only took a day or two to see a really huge difference in the time/energy spent on email and it felt really good. So I had the motivation to keep unsubbing. It is really hard for me to put into words the amazing feeling that this has given me. I don't miss those offers at all.

I do have to add that I don't tend to use coupons (it's just not what I do right now, for various reasons), and so I don't miss those offers. If you do use them, then setting up a folder for them to go directly to, and then only going to that folder when you're shopping and need to use one, would be a huge energy/time saver.

Now I have way fewer emails to deal with and I have a cleaner inbox, which makes it less overwhelming to deal with the emails that do come through. And at times I actually get down to one or two emails. I can't remember ever having an empty box....but I think one or two is pretty good. I love how energizing it is to come to my inbox and be able to whip through what's in it and move on. It just feels so good.

Give it a try, you can always go back and resub if you don't like the results. If you give it a try let me know how it goes!


  1. 100 items??? Holy cow, they oughta talk to Emden, she refuses to have more than 12 articles of clothing...I'm working on that...

    Where have I been? I missed this onewoman entirely. I'm going to check out rowdykittens, since it looks like we'll be having some. Soon.

    I think it's the whole energy exchange thing. Money is essentially draining, while GIVING is receiving - if that makes sense.

    KUDOS on your journey! I'm wit ya, kiddo!

  2. Love, love, love this blog! Thanks for posting! (But it's ok if you don't, too. lol) I had a wonderful 2 hours of working on the basement (with Lisa) today. It is so encouraging to hear all that you're doing. Way to go, girl! :)
